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11-10 2015
Jiangxi JIngke Electronic Co.,ltd:Technology innovation rising star
Mr Zhang introduced the products to reporters.Mr Zhang guided the staffNear the G320 National Road,Guixi industrial park, you can see Jingke electronical Co.,ltd brand far away. Walking into the factory, new factory, clean environment, give you a good first impression.Jiangxi Jingke Electronic Co.,Ltd was established in 2 years ago. And started building factories last year, put into operation thi…
28 2018-3
Brief analysis: why is LED so popular in industrial lighting?
What are the examples of LED for industrial lighting?Industrial facilities have a wide range of applications that require different lighting standards depending on the needs of a particular space.Suc…
10 2015-11
Jiangxi JIngke Electronic Co.,ltd:Technology innovation rising star
Mr Zhang introduced the products to reporters.Mr Zhang guided the staffNear the G320 National Road,Guixi industrial park, you can see Jingke electronical Co.,ltd brand far away. Walking into the fact…
5 2014-8
The never stop moving enterprise
“If invest in finance,will have a considerable income, but I always feel that the industry is the greatest charity.” Mr zhang said. A successful business contributes taxes and drives e…
5 2014-8